Monday, 19 November 2007

Black and white conversion - with a twist

1/25 sec at f/4.8, ISO 400.
Nikon D200 with 18-200VR at 50mm.
Taken 24 October 2007 outside Ojen, Andalucia, Spain

Black and white conversion done in Lightroom, colourized (using solid colour layers in overlay mode) in Photoshop, using quite possibly the most intricate layer mask I've ever done. My eyes are sore now.


Anonymous said...

Very nice work. My son looked at it and commented: "Very artsy. I think the original would have made the towers look like a nuisance, but now they look very clean and make for a good focal point for the photo." Well, not exactly those words, but yeah. What he said.

Henrik Lans said...

@ivoryhut> Thank you, and thank you to young master Hut as well. :-)

The power lines were really the original subject of this image, but it just came out bland sooc. By converting it this way, I think it just worked. :-)